

Note: This list may be expanded or revised over time.

背包: 一个背包, (钱包), stores badge 奖 data on behalf of recipients, 使接受者能够组织和管理他们所获得的徽章. 书包可以作为一种传递学习者所取得的成就信息的手段,分享到社交媒体网站上. Example: The Canvas Badges Backpack.

徽章: The term “badge” is typically used as shorthand to mean “digital badge,” “micro-credential" or “digital certification/credential.“然而, “徽章”一词有时也用于指代“低风险”的数字奖励,这种奖励可能用于激励获奖者,而不是以更正式的方式表彰他们. 徽章可以代表在线或离线生活中认可的能力和参与. Each badge is associated with an image and some metadata. 元数据提供了澳门葡京网赌游戏徽章代表什么的信息以及用于支持它的证据. 获奖者可以在网上展示他们的徽章,并可以通过社交网络分享徽章信息. Issuers define badges and 奖 them to earners.

Canvas Badges/Credentials: A suite of digital credentialing tools used to create, 奖, and store digital badges (also called micro-credentials, digital credentials, 等.)在一个安全的平台内,该平台集成了来自其他平台和学习管理系统的证书. 它允许组织建立有意义和可扩展的证书计划,以改善教育和劳动力成果, 学习者可以看到他们从成就到机会的道路,并拥有代理权.

Claim code (QR Code): 声明代码由Canvas Credentials颁发者创建,并在获得徽章时提供给获得者. The earner can take the code and claim the badge associated with that code. Claim codes can be unique to the earner or multi-use, in which case many different earners can use a code to claim the same badge.

能力: 基于能力的数字徽章或证书通常被认为是“高风险”证书,因为奖励取决于所述能力的展示. Many competencies are supported by industry research.

Credit-bearing: 表示该课程成功完成后可获得本科或研究生水平的学分.

Credit-bearing certificate: Earned by completing courses that carry academic credit. 一些学分证书课程可以计入正式学位课程.

数字徽章: UNH数字徽章是一种技能、成就或经验的电子表示.

  • 它包含有关技能或经验的详细信息,使观众(消费者)能够确定学习者完成了哪些活动和/或评估.
  • 技能和/或能力由数字徽章发行者定义和评估.
  • 徽章代表成功完成各种学分和非学分课程的学习经验.
  • 共享徽章由学习者控制,并在包括社交媒体在内的技术平台上开放, 博客, online portfolios and others.

Earner (or 学习er):达到获得徽章或微型证书的必要要求的个人.

发行(或奖励): To connect a badge to a person. This is the act of 奖ing the badge to the earner. This may happen when an earner makes a successful badge application. Badges can also be issued by submitting claim codes, or directly by the issuer to the earner's email address.

发行机构: Person or organization who creates/offers badges and issues them to earners. Issuers can be individuals or organizations.

Micro-credential: 联合国卫生组织将微型证书定义为反映获得特定技能或能力的证据. 微证书可以颁发给正式和非正式的学术或专业学习经历.  A digital badge is one example of a micro-credential.

  • UNH Micro-Credentials are:
    • 能力
    • Approved through faculty/staff governance
    • Meaningful and of high quality

模块化: means that the credential includes units that carry independent value, 哪些可以以多种方式与其他单位和证书结合,并跨多个行业创建路径. Modular credentials can be combined to demonstrate attainment of a broader, 更复杂的, and/or more specialized knowledge of skills over time.

Non-credit Certificate: 完成专注于发展可转移技能的专业非学分教育项目的证明.

学习途径: A learning pathway, 或途径, 是指个人在一系列特定课程中完成的“路线”吗, 学术项目, and learning experiences.” Digital Badges can be used to create such learning pathways, 作为标志或垫脚石,引导学习者向各种成就目标前进, defining one’s progression and experience.

可移植性: means the credential has value locally, nationally and perhaps internationally in labor markets, 教育系统, and/or other contexts.  The earner is able to use the credential in a variety of environments, 证书所代表的上下文和能力保持不变,可供证书消费者访问.  便携式证书使学习者能够在证书生态系统内部和整个生态系统中垂直和水平移动,以获得其他证书

Professional Certification: 行业认可和规范的对某一地位或成就水平的证明, conferred by an external entity (ex. Project Management Professional (PMP)).

Re-skilling: 对那些表现出有能力学习一项全新职业的员工进行培训. 例如, 一个办公室文员的工作已经过时了,他需要学习新的技能,以便在同一组织内从事不同的需求工作, such as a web developer.

Stackable Credential or Career Pathway: 证书是一系列证书的一部分,可以随着时间的推移积累起来,以建立个人的资格,并帮助个人沿着职业道路和继续教育前进.

  • 垂直叠加 is the most common in which a single topic is explored in advancing detail. 例如, Microsoft Excel level 1, level 2, and level 3.
  • Horizontal stacking is the acquirement of knowledge across several topics. 例如, marketing, data handling, Microsoft products.
  • 混合叠加 is a combination of both vertical and horizontal stacking, where learners explore multiple topics in increasing levels of difficulty. 例如, marketing level 1 and level 2.

分类: A system of classification.

  • UNH Badging Taxonomy
    • 风格:协会
      • Participation Badge: Badge earner participates in an event (i.e. professional development, classroom or online learning, 等.) but has not taken an assessment.
      • Contribution/Recognition Badge作为团队或项目的一部分,徽章获得者做出了重要的贡献. Can serve as recognition of accomplishment; i.e. 一个奖项.
    • 学习风格:
      • 职系徽章: 徽章获得者因成功完成学习活动而获得认可. Examples of formal recognition might include college credit, CEUs or other measures for 非-collegiate credit learning.
      • Level/ Program Based 徽章: 徽章获得者在一系列的学习成果中获得了一个或所有事件的正式学分.e. levels of learning). Can serve as badge for encouragement and progress to larger learning goal. 徽章应该表明它如何适应进程或通往其他徽章的途径,或作为之前成就的结果.
      • 性能徽章: Badge earner has demonstrated skills in a high-stakes environment. Badge earner successfully demonstrates claims to performance. Proctored assessment.
      • Certification/ License 徽章: 徽章获得者已证明在知识的实质性领域的能力. 监考评估和其他满足认证/执照要求的文件(i.e. work experience, education background, 等.) should be included.

Upskilling: 为需要学习新技能的员工提供培训,以提高他们目前的表现,而不改变他们的职位或职业道路. 一个例子是使用Microsoft Excel管理赠款的赠款经理需要在组织实施这种现代技术时接受机器人过程自动化方面的培训.